Trained professional case managers help clients navigate what the system of care looks like in their community. Clients can work with licensed counselors and social workers through outpatient programs, group counseling, peer support, or psychiatric medical services.
Outpatient services at Family Resource Center are provided via Telehealth, where we can meet clients where they are, both physically and on their recovery journey. Clients get the benefits of one-on-one therapy, with the added convenience and privacy of doing so at home. Telehealth is often the preferred method of therapy for clients with challenges leaving home or interacting with others due to physical limitations, or social anxiety disorders. Clients are also encouraged to attend telehealth appointments with their provider using the state-of-the-art telehealth rooms in our facilities.
Family Resource Center’s comprehensive outpatient services are centered around a treatment program designed specifically for each client. Our professional, licensed therapists work one-on-one with each client to impart skills and strategies to cope with life’s challenges. Treatment can range from short-term counseling to long-term treatment plans, and can be customized for youth, adults, or families who struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, family issues, suicidal thoughts or actions, substance abuse, and many other behavioral health conditions.
Case Management services are offered at all FRC facilities. There, clients will meet in-person with the professional case manager who will collaborate closely with them to develop a treatment plan to improve their wellbeing and help them to recover from any mental health conditions. Family Resource Center’s professional case managers are specially trained to assist clients in achieving their recovery goals by reinforcing the skills learned in therapy, and by connecting clients with other community partners to help remove obstacles to recovery such as medical, dental, transportation, and nutritional challenges.
Family Resource Center offers additional services for active and eligible clients developed specifically to support youth between the ages of 14 and 25. These supportive services are provided by our Transitional Youth Specialists who become an addition to the client’s treatment team to provide supportive services. Services are customized for each client and may be focused on skill development regarding financial literacy, virtual career shadowing, or simply managing the stressors of daily life. This opportunity to focus on areas of personal growth and development is aimed at improving self confidence and developing meaningful social connections to improve their lives.
The Diagnostic Assessment (DA) is a face-to-face discussion and evaluation of your mental health. This assessment is normally conducted during your first appointment or during Open Access times at any agency location. We’ll discuss the nature, severity and impact of behavior difficulties, functional impairment, your level of distress and your personal strengths and resources. Anyone who seeks services available through FRC will have a diagnostic assessment as the first step toward receiving care. Usually you’ll be referred to FRC by a healthcare worker or the court; or you may call and request a DA if you’re interested in receiving services.
Individual counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy or treatment) are one-on-one counseling sessions delivered by providers with strong credentials and clinical expertise in all areas of behavioral health. Behavioral health counseling and therapy services consist of a series of time limited, structured sessions that work towards reaching your defined goals. Anyone who wants to improve their daily life can benefit from individual counseling.
Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in mental health, including substance use disorders. A psychiatrist is qualified to assess mental and physical aspects of psychological problems. Psychologists are able to identify and treat a variety of concerns, from panic attacks, frightening hallucinations, thoughts of suicide, or hearing voices. Problems may also include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or anxiousness that never seem to lift, and problems functioning in daily life. Psychiatric services are available for both youths and adults, with referrals typically made by a counselor, physician or other healthcare provider. Each FRC location provides telemedicine services, and at some offices there may be opportunities for face-to-face psychiatric services. Telemedicine is provided by a psychiatric nurse practitioner who is under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
We have counselors located at schools in Hancock, Auglaize, Allen, and Hardin Counties. These counselors are able to provide group or one-on-one service directly at schools. These services focus on interventions and strategies in managing anger, grief/loss, ADHD symptoms, foster care issues, divorce issues, trust, social skills, anxiety, parenting, problem solving, team building, empowerment, and other needs as identified. If you are interested in enrolling for these services please reach out to our call center or your local school counselor or principle to see what is offered at your school.
Behavior health counseling and CPST groups are services provided to clients with similar mental health issues. Groups are structured and time-limited with a focus on specific behavioral health issues. These groups focus on interventions and strategies in managing anger, grief/loss, ADHD symptoms, sex offending issues, sexual abuse issues, foster care issues, divorce issues, trust, social skills, anxiety, parenting, problem solving, team building, empowerment, and other needs as identified.
ADVENTURE THERAPY: Adventure Therapy allows children to actively participate in group therapy that includes the use of cooperative games, problem solving initiatives and adventure activities guided by the treatment team. During these activities, kids experience immediate and concrete consequences of their own behavior, which are processed and discussed with their counselors but also with the group, to promote learning and positive change. Combining adventure activities with intentional processing and reflection of their experiences helps children reach their treatment goals.
COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRIC SUPPORTIVE TREATMENT (CPST): Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment is a rehabilitative group service intended to enhance community support for children, youth, and adults. The goal of this services is the maximize the reduction of symptoms of mental illness completing individual services focused on assisting the client to succeed in the community; to identify and access needed services; and to help clients show improvement in school, work, family, and in the integration into the community.
Mental Health Crisis Intervention services focus on responding to emergent situations through assessment, immediate stabilization, and determination of level of care needed. The goal of is program is to provide crisis intervention services during normal agency hours as well as through the community hospitals, crisis centers, and criminal justice facilities after normal agency hours. Our specialists work to coordinate discharge planning and mental health services for clients leaving psychiatric inpatient settings.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a multidisciplinary team approach that builds caring, consistent personal relationships between you and a group of caregivers. As one of the oldest and most researched evidence-based practices in behavioral healthcare, this team approach is shown to reduce hospitalization, increase housing stability and improve the quality of life for those with severe and persistent mental illness.
Play Therapy is a service provided for youth up to the age of ten years old and their families. This program focuses on building health parent-child attachment and behavior coping strategies. WE work to promote awareness and improve parental understanding regarding the quality of family attachment and its correlation to the development of the social and emotional well-being of their children.
Problematic Sexual Behavior services aim to assist youth ages thirteen to eighteen who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors towards another youth, both adjudicated and non-adjudicated. This program uses empirically driven adolescent sex offender treatment such as: relapse prevention, structural family interventions, psycho-education, and behavioral and cognitive skills training.
Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) services provide support to teachers, classrooms, centers and families to ensure children succeed in early learning environments, and are designed to support children from birth to six years old as well as their families and early care professionals. ECMH also provides early identification, observation and feedback in addition to referral and community support.
The Wraparound model is an unconditional commitment to create services on a one-youth-at-a-time basis to support normalized and inclusive options for youths with complex needs and their families. This model is based on individualized, needs-driven planning and services. Youths and adolescents between 5 and 18 with significant impairment of their ability to perform in the family, in school and in the community and are identified as multi-need and high risk, with substantial risk of being removed from their natural home environment, and who have not responded to traditional community services are considered for this service.
Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medications in combination with counseling and other treatment to provide a whole-patient approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Research shows that a combination of medication and therapy can successfully treat those disorders, and for someone struggling with addiction, MAT can help sustain recovery. MAT is primarily for the treatment of addiction to opioids such as heroin and prescription pain relievers that contain opiates. The prescribed medication operates to normalize brain chemistry, block the euphoric effects of alcohol and opioids, relieve physiological cravings and normalize body functions without the negative effects of the abused drug. Those who are struggling with substance use dependence disorders can benefit from this treatment, and may be referred by a client’s treatment team. Hancock County offers Suboxone and Vivitrol MAT. FRC requires each individual to be engaged and maintain treatment to receive MAT.
The Day Treatment program offers person-centered, culturally and linguistically appropriate comprehensive, coordinated and structured treatment services and activities. These services are delivered by a diverse team to offer treatment in at lease three of the following areas: individual counseling, family counseling, group counseling, education services, occupational therapy, or other appropriate therapy services.
Intensive Home-Based treatment aims to help families in their own home. These services help you and your family find insight and treatment for problems related to emotional/behavioral disorders and/or substance use. These services aim to prevent unnecessary out-of-home placements. This service is for youths and families at substantial risk of out-of-home placement because of severe emotional/behavior disorders and/or substance use problems.
Home Coaching brings FRC services directly to you. The Home Coach works as part of a team and partners with community systems to assist families by providing outreach, information, education, referrals, advocacy services and coordinates family support systems.
3 ways to enroll in services
Online Screening
Answer a few short questions to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a behavioral health professional. This screening is completely anonymous and confidential.
Schedule an Appointment
Click the button below to get immediately connected with a Family Resource Center team member in your county that will guide you through the enrollment process.